Wednesday, 22 December 2021


Made my first ever batch of cranberry sauce last night, all because Rebecca and I wanted bacon, brie and cranberry sandwiches for lunch. May have accidentally made a humongous pot of the red stuff, thankfully I had the bright idea of bringing it along with Newbury for Christmas - it shan't all go to waste!

Shortly after our festive lunch, Rebecca and I exchanged gifts. I wracked my brain for weeks wondering what to get Rebecca, then, like a beacon from the heavens, a cat board game (that was highly rated) appeared before me. Calico is the game's name, as if it wasn't perfect enough, the game also deems that the player who goes first is the most recent person to have stroked a cat. She was thrilled, and we both had a go after dinner, where she promptly thrashed me. I received a bottle of very, very nice coffee liqueur from the distillery in our postcode. Its punchy and will go tremendously well in a tiramisu, can't wait to share the love.

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