Monday 25 June 2012

Cleaning and Camping

I did desperately try to blog yesterday but I had the internet connection that would only satisfy a sloth and my phone for 5 minutes then and I didn't have enough time (or patience) to blog. Again I was out camping in someones garden for a party last night, many games were played and many jokes were told. Highlight of the evening was when the hostess decided it would be oh so funny to go running in the nearby wheat field, about 20 meters in she exclaims 'I've lost my glasses!' Searched for about 15 minutes in total darkness with no luck but we did find them in the morning. Returning home I was gripped with a sudden urge to give my room it's annual deep clean. The 'to file pile' has been eradicated, desk scrubbed and everything unnecessary put away, room looks amazing but I know it's only a matter of time before it gets into a state again. 

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