Monday 11 March 2013

Highs of sub-zero

Left my window open last night, my room was like an igloo when I woke up. There might as well of been icicles on my eyebrows as my only salvation was to hide my entire face under the covers and pray for the cold to go away, it would have been too much to get up and shut the window. I was jolted from my bed however after a text from my boss came through informing me that a co-worker has been taken ill (presumably by the bad weather.) Pegged it down to work, facing the brisk winds only to discover a brisker temperature inside the centre. Many members of staff wore gloves at some point while I raised my body temperature by having 4 cups of coffee.

Our latest sketch is now in the editing process now that Mark is back from holiday! We visited TV Bay, a local broadcasting network whom Mark now works for and they very kindly lent out their studio so we could edit there and it is so cool inside! Big ol' cameras and sound-proofing everywhere, professional and inspirational!

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