Thursday 4 September 2014

Feng Shui

Got to see my girlfriends new uni-let house today and it is very shiny. I went over to help her and a friend move some stuff around, her friend is quite big on feng shui so we oriented his furniture according to some of his spiritual preferences. Although we had to compromise the whole 'your head needs to face north' gubbins as his head would have to poke out of his hallway for that to work. I stuck around to keep them company while their internet got sorted out. What should have been a ten minute job quickly turned into a 2 hour mess as the guy who turned up and tried his very best to do everything in a speedy manner but just couldn't get through to his own customer support. No one picked up the phone for him on the other end.

Got back home to make a batch of iced coffee which is chilling in the fridge and start prepping for journeying to London for the final leg of our WW1 film 'The Journal.' I'm planning on making a badass mix CD to take for the driving since I became well known as 'DJ Durrant' on previous car trips. Let the good times roll!

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