Monday 6 July 2020

A Puzzling Distraction

Saddled up back on my office chair to get cracking on a new project. I think I've got an idea for another video but I'm still trying to put my thoughts into words for the script. Rebecca joined me downstairs to work, but mostly to do more of the jigsaw Mum lent her over the weekend. Perhaps she was a bit of a distraction from my today, but she was so content doing her puzzle I didn't want to say much.

Did an online gaming session with some friends tonight, whittled away the hours playing a big game of Civ 6. To this day I've never finished a round of civilization, imagine the longest board game you've ever played then double it and you'll be in the right ballpark. Still, we carved off a good chunk and had a gas in the meantime, ain't that what it's really all about?

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