Monday, 27 July 2020

Unceremonious Phonecall

Made the tricky phonecall to my boss at Coffee #1 yo let them know that I would be moving onto greener pastures. For almost two years I've been bigging up that moment in my mind, how incredible it'll be to drop the mic as I walk out the cafe, you know, dreams like that. In reality though, it was unceremonious. It was a five minute chat and that was that. Before I leave I do want to meet everyone one last time, at the pub or something easy going like that. Naturally the pandemic makes things tricky but be great to make it work for one last hurrah.

I took my great American novel out of the drawer today to re read and edit. To my sort of delight, it was better than I thought, at least from a mechanical perspective. Once ai took a step back from it though I noticed I made a cuddly thing, instead of an important thing. Its back to the drawing board for a bit I think so I can distil my vision a little bit more - that's the job on the cards this week.

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