Wednesday 8 July 2020

Lil' Lemon Tree?

Still pecking away at my next video idea, for no discernible reason this piece is taking longer than I would have liked it to. Just as I think I've gotten into the groove of writing recently, this script has really knocked me back a little bit. Little by little though it's coming together, and hopefully it'll be worth it.

Spent a good chunk of my evening stressing about the status of my lemon tree. It's leaves have started to feel a bit dry and many have started curling inward. Googling this gives me conflicting messages too, I'm not sure if I've given it too much or too little water? If the sun's out tomorrow I'll stick him out there, otherwise I guess I'll just have to wait and see. The plant wasn't cheap so I'd be gutted if it gives up the ghost less than two weeks after buying it.

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