Tuesday 28 July 2020

Kill Your Babies

Squealed with delight this morning as I spotted my chili pepper tree had at long last produced a bright red little chili. When a few more are ready to pick I might just have a good excuse to brew up another big bowl of Pho.

When I wasn't dreaming of broth, I was further refining some ideas. I chatted with Rebecca about some of my thoughts and it felt good just to verbalize what was in my head. The deeper down this rabbit hole I go the more I want to re-write what I've got at the moment. 'Kill Your Babies' is an idiom often associated with writing and editing, it's where you splice out big parts of your story, even if you have a soft spot for certain elements. Though I'm happy with what I've written, a lot of metaphorical babies are about to get plucked. 

Over the course of last week I've been chipping away at Final Fantasy 6 in my spare time. It's one of the only Final Fantasy game I'd never even played before but it was a delight. At long last I crawled through the final dungeon this evening and watched the credits roll. Something about 90's games credit sequences are so nostalgic to me, be it the style, music or vibes, it all just took me back to my childhood. Which is crazy considering I'd never even played this game before. It had me grinning from ear to ear once it was all over and in truth, I'm a lil' sad it's over.

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