Thursday, 23 July 2020

Joker Stream

Jumped back on some Sick Critic work today, figured I owe them one more bigish article before I start my new job and luckily I have a real doozy for them. I'll be keeping my head down and try to finish it tomorrow so I can do other things by the beginning of next week.

About half an hour before my stream this evening I ran into some really bizarre audio problem with my microphone. I was using Google like a madman trying to figure out the problem, but in the end some trial and error on my end seemed to mitigate the problem. The stream itself went pretty badly in my opinion, for the first time ever I tried playing through a game for the first time with a small audience. I pretty quickly realised that I had nothing to actually give to the audience minus some unique gameplay footage. In previous streams I knew the games and had a clear goal set. Here I just fumbled around and flailed around while trying to make the livestream vaguely engaging. Learnt a lesson from this though, I'm likely never going to do a 'first playthrough' style stream again. I'll stick with the games I know, that way I can offer insights and some engaging footage.

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