Friday 31 July 2020

Come Pop With Me

In between an early morning shop and continued work on Louis vegetables, I endeavoured to cook stovetop popcorn for the first time. A few weeks ago Mum revealed that she may well have trashed my old popcorn machine. A shame, but the thing was from the 90's and was a glorified hairdryer with a spout. The advantage of that thing though was ease of use - just switch it on and let it do its magic. On the stove you gotta be more vigilant, keeping a close eye on the cooking and shaking the pan. Though there is one big draw, you can flavour your corn in the pot, so I rustled up some salted popcorn and to my delight, every single kernel was seasoned after cooking. It was such a reveluation, I don't even mind not having the old popcorn machine! 

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