Sunday 30 June 2024

Another Sausage?

Learnt the hard way that if a supermarket has avocados on sale you should run for the hills. Rebecca was truly excited to have some for breakfast this morning but was dismayed to find out the she could hear the stone of her avocado rattling around inside. Sure enough, it was a plague pit when it was opened up, it was only bought less than 24 hours prior. 

We made up for that food disappointment by hosting a BBQ for Rachel and Louis. Funnily enough we prepared the same menu that we did for Eurovision when they couldn't make it, only difference was the grill didn't go out halfway through cooking so it looked like we really knew what we were doing. I will throw my hands up and say I overate, even before I went for a second helping of summer pudding I felt ready to burst. Guess I'll be sleeping easy tonight ready to hit set again around midday tomorrow.

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