Saturday 15 June 2024

Wedding Ready

I ironed my shirt and trousers in front of an audience of Rebecca and her parents in preparation for the wedding we were attending. I also helped cook a slap up breakfast and re-learnt how to do a half Windsor tie knot all so I could look my sharpest. It has honestly been a long while since I'd been invited to a wedding, particularly for the ceremony onwards. Somehow I landed as a mini guest of honour, I was parked next to the head table during the speeches/meal because I was considered 'family'. Honestly I had only me the bride and groom for a total of less than 10 hours but I was truly chuffed to get the full invite privileges.

We witnessed the echan of vows, ate canapes, drank champagne, bundled in for photos, drank more booze, ate a good meal, listened to heart felt speeches and drank more. The night was danced away with the other guests but the tiredness was staved off with an espresso martini. That got me to midnight but now I'm exhausted. There's only so much of a good thing you can enjoy but for the bride and groom, they undoubtedly had the best day of their lives - I was just humbles to be a small part of that.

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