Tuesday 18 June 2024

Dialling Nocturnal

Setting no alarm on a Monday that I'm working felt sacrilegious. Yet there I was, calmly enjoying my morning, sparing time to cook porridge on a very low flame and even get some video games in. Of course, all good things come to an end. My work day started a little after midday and as a direct result, ended a mite after midnight. We're on night shoots baby and only necking copious amounts of caffeine apparently gets you through. I abstained for today but I reckon after my body clock has switched into full on 'night owl' mode it'll be just what the doctor ordered.

About an hour before I finished Rebecca let me know that the cat had brought in a little present. Namely a giant moth or may bug... I'm walking home now and I'm praying to the father, the son and the holy Spirit that the cat has killed and/or eaten it.

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