Saturday 15 June 2024

Boxing Day in June

In spite of the multiple glasses of arrival champagne I consumed last night I awoke feeling rosey. So did the rest of us actually so the walk through the rain to our pre-booked brunch was less if a trudge and more of a jaunt. The windows were steamy and condensed as we tucked into hot coffee and cooked breakfasts. If there's a vibe I love more than this then I've yet to experience it. 

Our convoy returned to Twickenham for a sleepy afternoon of literally nothing. We're all running on power saving mode now to recouperate after yesterday's festivities. It almost feels like Boxing Day, sleepwalking through the day, not knowing if you're hungry or full and struggling to get on and off of sofas. I'm looking forward to a bit more normality tomorrow once we're back home in Bristol, as I bid farewell to my 4 day weekend that somehow has gone by quicker than a normal weekend...

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