Sunday, 27 October 2024

Euro Jingles

I left a couple of euro coins in my bedside table after the holiday thinking they were nice and safe there. Our cat decided they made sweet, sweet music when she pushed them onto the floor. Adorable at an hour that isn't 5am. So, despite us all gaining an hour after the clocks went back, I somehow feel like I lost a couple hours of sleep - a feeling I've wrestled with the entirety of my Sunday. That's not to say it ruined my day, we did the North Street Shuffle as Rebecca had a craving for arancini, guess she still wished she was in Rome.

We shimmy'd a bunch of our furniture out the living room in prep for the new carpet that's being put down. Ever since we started living together, Rebecca and I have lived in places that have had tired looking carpeting. It is going to be such a treat to have some gorgeous new flooring that's entirely our own.

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