Wednesday 9 October 2024

Main Unit Script Supervisor

 Some early homework was on the cards for me first thing. There was a void on set for a Script Supervisor so I stepped up big time, put on my big boy pants and did the gig on the main unit all by myself. Glad I did a bunch of prep because that put my head firmly into the game to cover a big juicy dialogue scene with three cast. I'm blessed with a very experienced cast and crew so any notes I had to rush in and give we just nip tucks. The day naturally got a little scrambly towards the end but I did my best to keep up and, all told, I think I did A-Ok. My brain feels like it's brimming but I guess that the pain you endure for the big bucks(?)

As a pleasant aside, on my walk in I passed an lovely maple tree really showing it's Autumn colours. A short while later I got a photo reminder telling me that this time last year I was in Canada with Rebecca deep in the wilderness to appreciate nature's fullness. Gosh I wish I was there right now.

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