Tuesday 15 January 2013

I'm a Browncoat

It's official. I am now a raging fan of Firefly. After finishing the TV series yesterday and having just seen Serenity I can safely say that I am a big 'ol fan of the series. From the pilot I was captivated by the fun an mysterious characters and was eventually drawn into a unique and brilliantly realized world that complimented the series' tone. Every episode made me laugh and think in some way about life's values, something I never expected a TV series to do. The movie was pretty good too, but anyone who has seen the series before hand will enjoy it much more as they get to see many pay-off's that the series never got around to showing. So yes, I am probably going to say that it is my favorite ever TV series that I have seen so far!

1 comment:

  1. You obviously haven't seen enough TV then!

    The Wire, The Killing, West Wing, Seinfeld, The Bridge, Twin Peaks, The Sopranos....
