Monday 9 September 2024

Bye Bye 30

With a later start to my day I had the whole morning to wrestle with the idea of turning 31 tomorrow. Like breaking in a pair of shoes it took me a whole year to get comfortable saying I'm in my 30's - now I'm firmly locked into that decade. Do I feel my age though? No, in my mind I'm still 26, a fledgling of the TV industry and recent homeowner. Lot has changed in the blink of an eye. Yet I still believe I'm young at heart, I've not grown up, just grown older. My heart still flutters at the thought of opening up Birthday cards alongside breakfast and Rebecca has kindly rearranged her work hours so we can spend some time together before I'm up and out to work.

In the meantime, see ya 30. It's been real.

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