Sunday 1 September 2024

Sleeping Beauty Over Here

Rebecca somehow slept for a whole eleven hours last night. All the while I was up and about cracking on with my Sunday and chipping away at my humongously long RPG which I've been working through for the last 3 weeks. Once sleeping beauty awoke from her slumber it was time for sla deep clean of our spare room - we have some rumoured guests with potential cat allergies so we went to town on the place. There was time leftover to play some games with Louis and his buds online, always fun to play with a different crowd, even if their in jokes are tricky to navigate. 

The only other big job this weekend was renewing my passport which expired a few months back. You can take your own photo now instead of going to a lil' booth in a WH Smith's. After reading and re-reading the guidelines Rebecca channeled her inner DOP and managed to get the winning shot of me looking sternly serious. I'm almost a hundred pounds lighter for the pleasure but hey, I saved a few bob taking my own photo at least. I put my crimson passport into an envelope and waved goodbye to that era of British travel for good. If only we could go back...

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