Monday 13 December 2010

Nearly then end of the School term!

Woke up feeling like i shouldn't have gotten out of bed this morning, i just wanted to lie in. When I did wake up however I was in a bit of a rush and ultimately broke my shoelace in my haste which made things worse, fortunately I was not late for my carpool. I also had to prepare dinner tonight with my specialty: pasta putenesca, made know to me through A series of unfortunate events, a geniues sage of books well worth a read! I was taking the lid of a tin' a olives and badly cut my finger down the joint so it is very difficult to type, but I am soldiering on.

Watched Bad Santa this evening which was surprisingly decent, not to judge a book by its cover, but the DVD cover did make it look a bit trashy. Although not a Christmas classic, it is certainly a better modern Christmas movie worth checking out. I'm off to bed now, hopefully we will watch a bit of Psycho in Film Studies and we may even get some editing done; stay tuned!

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