Saturday 24 November 2012

Season Finale

A phone call woke me up this morning from my girlfriend's Mum, naturally I got a bit nervous about this because she rarely calls me unless there is some kind of emergency, it was 9:30 at this point so I expect the worst.

Me: 'Hello?'
GF's Mum: 'Hello Theo, just wondering if Phoebe gave you that jar of lemon marmalade we made for you yesterday...'

Sadly I didn't but I told her I look forward to recieving it another time as I racked my brain as to what just transpired.

My Mum then insisted that we go into town to get me some new shoes, my current shoes are very comfy but have more holes in them than a slice of Swiss cheese so I suppose it would be sensible to get a new pair. Very rarely have I ever been pleased with a shoe purchase but this time we nailed it, leaving with two pairs of rather nice brown shoes that are perfect for my teaching technician job, I was so thrilled to get them that I treated Mum to a cup of tea and slice of sponge cake at a local cafe.

Mark and Dan did briefly visit this afternoon for a couple bouts of Street Fighter 4 and to check out Indie Game: The Movie with Louis, a documentary about 4 developers experiences with independent video game making. Honestly it was a great documentary that really made you sympathize with these guy's struggle to just get their games out to their fans despite the massive impacts it had on their social and personal lives.

Finally me and Louis got around to playing through the final episode of the Walking Dead. Lets pause here for a minute, I purchased this game back in April on a whim and from the very first scene I was hooked, thinking to myself 'This is going to be something special.' 5 Months later and the final chapter has been released, I have just finished it now and I can easily say that this has been my favorite game of the year. Every aspect of this game has been perfect but especially the way it makes you seriously think about each decision you make and how it will affect the relationships between characters. But by far it's greatest accomplishment is how it has effortlessly set a milestone for story-telling in video games which attains a cinematic quality to rival that of the TV series. Even if you have never played a video game in your life you can appreciate this brilliant adventure for what it is.

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