Monday 4 November 2013

Towering Inferno

Me and Jamie decided to tank the last few episodes of the 4th season of Breaking Bad. Each episode just got better and better so we ended up watching four episodes in a near-unbroken sitting, only pausing for toilet breaks and coffee. We regret nothing.

I got to cook dinner again today as well! Making a dish very close to Mark's and my hearts. The infamous 'Sylvia's Pasta.' The perfect marriage of spaghetti, garlic, oil and chilli flakes. The flakes give it the flavour and kick that really carries the dish to a whole new level. I was a tad mindful of how much chilli I put in though, having a fiasco the past few times I used it in my ramen and ended up breathing fire, so I was conservative with the stuff. Just about to dish up the food when Mark spots it and decides to add a little more chilli, which then turned into a little more chilli... then a lot more chilli. The question on my lips was 'why?' While I was eating, the question on my now-scortched lips was 'OH GOD WHY?!' I didn't think any dairy farm in the country to give us enough milk to douse the flames in our mouths. Ended up grating half a cheese block to muffle the inferno. Mark has since apologized and shan't be doing it again I am pleased to report.

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