Friday 29 November 2013

Studio Success!

My studio show was a relative success! Despite not handing in the paperwork until literally 30 seconds before start of the day everything went really well. Everyone knew more or less what they were doing, including our hospitality students who had never seen a TV studio before.

Had the nightmare scenario in my head last night thinking 'oh no! I've forgotten to check that one box so the whole day will go to pot!' Don't remember actually sleeping last night as a result, I remember the piercing sound of my alarm that came far too early in the day.

Mentally preparing myself for Jamie's Birthday party tomorrow, probably going to do get up to some description of shenanigans tomorrow as a result - photos will be taken - laughs will happen - blood may be spilt... well hopefully not unless we drunkenly decide to become blood brothers or something eerily similar. But that'd be gross.

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