Friday 15 February 2013

First Uni Choice

Set my alarm for quite early but got up quite late. I just about gave myself time to eat breakfast and get dressed before getting to school in the morning. Then an email came through. An Email from UCAS to tell me that my choices had been updated. I had to choose between eating breakfast and checking that update. Glad I chose the latter as I found out I got into my first choice University! That's right, I'm going to do TV production at Bournemouth!

The afternoon was spent doing our new sketch. A few weeks prior we picked our filming location at the Regency Hotel and successfully booked a room for the discounted price of £50! While not a still from the sketch, this is what the room looked like:

Mark looking very depressed to find a distinct lack of pizza in his box
Actual filming was twice as fast as expected. Initially we planned to film the stuff in the night for our film but we underestimated the power of hotel curtains and actually managed to finish all our night shots before it was night time. Record time filming and morale was very high throughout! Especially with Tom Norman on set, such a funny guy. We finished so quickly that we got to watch all of Don't tell the Bride while waiting for Mark and Chris to pick up our dinner! We hope to get that sketch finished within a few weeks, I'll keep you posted as always!

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