Sunday 24 February 2013

Mopping Merit

Oddly quiet day at work today... In order to prepare ourselves for the deep cleans within the next few days we have been doing some bigger jobs that don't typically get done. Today I got to mop the floor of possibly the biggest room in the building, or Party room 1 we like to call it. This room gets used for parties, clubs and is just generally a disco room. Most of the time the lights are off or the floor is covered in mats, but looking upon it today we saw nothing but muddy footprints and cake crumbs everywhere. It was a little embarissing to say the least.

40 Minutes of mopping later my Boss came into the room and screamed with delight and awe over how clean the floor was. I couldn't even believe how nicely it came up and what a satisfying experience it was. It did make me jolly hungry though, just as well because I went out for a very nice Chinese meal for my Granny's Birthday meal, where I saw Dan on a whim, having a meal on the other side of the restaurant. Small world it seems

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