Tuesday 12 February 2013

Pancake Day 2013

Almost totally forgot about it today, but it was Pancake Day! Louis couldn't be bothered to make any so I picked up the slack and made my own. Now, at home we have this fail-safe pancake recipe that replaces milk with orange juice and water (sounds strange but it really can work). Without sounding unprofessional, I solely blame the mixture on the quality of the pancakes above my inability to cook them due to one simple fact. The orange juice we had was the 'With Bits' type. Cooked weirdly but tasted just as good.

As usual, I gave up nothing for Lent as I am not a religious person, but I do agree with a time to improve your life through sacrifices. I just wished that it wouldn't be the sole ice-breaker and topic of conversation for the next few weeks because it get very boring.

Serenity deserved a re-watch for Mark and I, him especially after he just finished Firefly and we both enjoyed the film more the second time around. He even bought some tunes from the film's soundtrack he liked it so much.

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