Saturday 7 December 2013


Group filming session went swimmingly well. We have slowly become more understanding of the benefits of planning ahead, as a result, everything went at about double speed and we had a lot more fun doing everything. Best of all, I got my essay back and got 70 marks for it, meaning that I got a first. Both thrilled that I got such a good grade and a bit miffed off because now I have a yardstick that people will expect of me, bring it on I guess?

Made some banging currywurst with the help of this video, it's worth a watch even if you have no interest in cooking; the host is brilliantly eccentric.

Just finished off some of the film editing with Mark for some of our 14 videos. Wrote up a small synopsis of one of our ideas that has no dialogue which I will leave here to peak your curiosity. Enjoy!

A picnic blanket is being unraveled by Liam who carefully tucks in the corners and places down a basket. It is his first date in a long time, after a long period of being single he is eager to get back to being in a relationship for charming reasons; first impressions are his priority. After taking out the sandwiches, plates, jam jars and other nic naks and beautifully arranging them he removes his phone from his pocket. Lovingly, he reads a message he sent to his date, arranging for them to meet in the park and looks longingly and cheerfully at an attached photo of her. She is worth every second he put into preparing those sandwiches, he even made multiple flavours so he could offer her a potential favourite. It is at this point he notices that the picnic basket is not perfectly in line with the checkered pattern; this is where his OCD kicks in.

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