Monday 20 January 2014

Me, Mark, Movies

Mark and I unconsciously decided to have a movie day. So purely out of boredom we saw three films.

1. Big Trouble in Little China

Kinda like Spirited Away meets Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. If that concept sounded more fun than stupid to you, then you'll like this film. It's just a bit of 80's fun that has no real right to exist but that's also what you should be celebrating while you watch it. Not good by many means, but just silly enough for it to be enjoyable.

2. 30 Days of Night

I have a hate/hate relationship with 90% of most modern horror films. There is just a general lack of imagination and heart in a lot of them, and sadly, this film falls into my 90% margin. And this one took itself WAY too seriously to the point where Mark and I were laughing through some of the key scenes between the so-called characters which had about as much depth as a melted snowball. To top it all off, we are still thinking of plot holes. If you want a good horror film about isolation in the snow, watch 'The Thing' again.

3. Scarface

Oh yes. This was very much Pacino's film and he probably knew that at the time. Basically it's 'The Godfather' if it was made in the 80's, and that is a winning combination. Tense moments, witty and quotable dialogue paired with a great character study. You see him work his way up to the American dream, then realizes it's not all it's crack(cocaine)ed up to be. By the end, he is very much broken by the business that made him, all right there in Pacino's face.

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