Wednesday 8 July 2015

Who has a Key?

Was woken up by the sound of a key turning in the lock. It dawned on me that I went to bed alone in the house and that no-one else, bar Mum and Dad back in Newbury, should have the key to the house in Bournemouth. Bewildered I woke up straight away and remembered that the builders were finishing the job today. This put me in a situation where people who think irrationally before their first cup of coffee struggle: How was I to make my presence noted? At first I thought of just strolling up and saying hello but after I left my room I spotted they left the front door wide open so I might have looked like someone who just waltzed in off the street. Sheepishly, I stood outside and rung the doorbell to announce myself. In hindsight, I made that a lot more unecessary than needed.

Otherwise I cracked on with the edit with Philpott. I captured and logged all my audio before going in so I really hit the ground running, churning out songs on request and prepped a handful of interview testimonials. We really ploughed through it today as well, getting well over half of it done. And it looks good! It looks really good actually, I'll certainly put up a link to it here when I'm done just to show it off because we are both becomming more and more pleased with how it is shaping up.

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