Sunday 21 July 2024


What started off as a pretty low-key day turned into a fairly fully stocked Saturday. First up was the grown up stuff. We revisited our carpet guys place to grab a few more sample. We've triangulated much more on what we'd like and with the help of the manager we left with some great swatches. 

In the early evening we went out with a friend to see Longlegs. In famously terrible with horror films, especially ones at the cinema... Doubly so when we are in the 2nd row from the front of the screen. The film did wonders cultivating a constant feeling of dread and imminent horror - I was on the edge of my seat throughout. A late film revelation kinda killed all the suspense for me, but then again it's tough to name a horror piece that remains effective as the information is drip fed to you.

Shortly after we were whisked down to Harbour-feat for a quick drink. Then another, then another, then another. Weow-key ditched the people we were with as Rebecca and I were keen to get some shut eye. Right now I'm a fan of that choice

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