Sunday 9 October 2011

Another weekend gone

I didn't really accomplish much today, I worked on my English coursework but that's about it, I did watch 2 films, the first being Ghost in the Shell, after a very awesome 20 minutes of garbage truck shootings and invisible water fighting the film really went downhill as it tried to talk about too many philosophical questions during its last minutes, only a few of which made sense. The animation was both amazing and lazy at times, the fore mentioned water fighting moment was great but there were several dialogue sequences where mouths didn't need to move thanks to the convenience of telepathy. Luckily it was quite short otherwise it would have dragged on for way longer than it needed to. The other was Touch of Evil, the main thought going through my head was 'good God, Orson Welles has gotten fat' It stated and ended with a very tense sequence but I felt that it dragged on for the first act quite a lot but towards the end it certainly got a lot better and a little bit thought provoking thanks to Welles' performance which was, as always, very good, it was quite clear that he saved the bast character for himself, everyone else I didn't really care about but Hank (Welles) was very engaging. 

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