Sunday 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas '11

Hello again faithful readers, once again I write this after spending all day doing festive things like eating turkey and opening presents. This year I got a pair of individual toe socks, Zelda Skyward Sword, coffee, and a bright red waistcoat which is pretty cool. Most of Christmas was spent at our uncles house so we didn't have to fret about preparing the meal or the party games although Mum was quite verbal about her fears of being robbed while we were away; this was quietly unsettling because she said it with such casual conviction.

This year's festivities were not as good as last years in my opinion but I am sure I will look back on this one with fond memory's, I think it's because we didn't see any films or television specials, we watched Michael Mcintyre's comedy roadshow but that was about it.

Hope everyone else had a very lovely Christmas and that you didn't drink or eat too much, indigestion hurts and boxing day still has a bit of magic in it, despite the left-over turkey you eat for lunch being a bit dry.

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