Saturday 21 April 2012

Ahh! My hand!

First thing I did today was go on a 5K run, this was quite taxing on me physically and mentally at first as it was at 9am on a Saturday and I hadn't run that far in a long time. However Dad convinced me to come along to a weekly fun run thing around Greenham Common, around 200 other people turn up to this thing each week to see if they can beat their high scores. I did alright, took me half an hour to run the distance and it felt pretty good afterwards. 

Mum called in her Mother Day present today which was for me to watch any film of her choice with her, since she is the whooping and knee-slapping movie viewer type, often the family attempts to avoid watching films with her as a result. But today we watched her favorite: Roman Holiday which was actually very good thanks to some good performances and a great location for filming, quite a quintessential 50's comedy, particularly the Mouth of Truth scene which Gregory Peck brilliantly ad-libed.

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