Saturday 14 April 2012

Sunk my Battleship

Woke up this morning under the impression that I would be going on a 5K run at about 8 in the morning, instead I got up to torrential rain and being told that it had been called off; I snuck in another hour of kip. I sat up with a cuppa Joe and watched Battleship Potemkin, it had to be done sometime and I figure that it had to be seen sometime and now was a good enough. Overall it was interesting to watch considering the time in which it was made and the Odessa Staircase scene was great but the rest was a little bit of a trudge, still not sure how they filled up 75 minutes of film. In the afternoon some peeps came over and we watched The Castle of Caglioistro, another one of my favorites that I rate very highly, I just adore the charming character of Lupin III in this film and the great and inventive action scenes. But there is also some time put aside for the subtle beauty of the animation, especially in the opening title sequence which is gorgeous.

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