Friday 8 December 2017

Quest for Christmas: Wrapping Up

Stepping outside today made me realise just how chilly the Winter period can be... and I love it! Ok, perhaps I won't in the weeks after Christmas, but for now at least, the temperature has dropped to a point that I associate with Christmas time. And with cold weather comes warm clothes, and more importantly, and excuse to wear them again!

I love the sensation of putting on multiple layers before braving the cold. Feeling bulky due to the extra padding is lovely and it just makes you feel prepared. Then coming into a warm house after a long time outside is just so satisfying.

I'm heading down to London tonight on a late Megabus, so I'll be wrapping up tight to leave the house. I was outside earlier and it's definitely hit that point where your eyeballs start feeling a bit frozen, so I'll be needing as many layers as I can get my hands on.

 A walk in the cold at night does seem fairly romantic, but I know I'll be cursing it the moment I grow weary of it.

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