Wednesday 7 February 2018

Entertainment Centres of Bristol

Went around a few key entertainment stops around Bristol over the course of the day. First up was VR Star, a little VR booth tucked away at the top of Cabot Circus. Previosuly Mark and I played around in the VR headspace with the Sony headsets, but now we got a chance to sample some other tech and more importantly, some other games. I got to try a motorbike game which felt a little bit clunky and gimmicky, but was a lot of fun for the 7 minutes it lasted for. Any longer on that one and it would have unraveled a bit. After that I stuck with a sci-fi 'kill all robots' style wave defense game with guns! Using both hands I got to go around and shoot robots in the face with my akimbo pistols and that was good stuff.

Then the Birthday train didn't stop for Rebecca as we met up with a few friends that couldn't make it to the pub yesterday. We headed down together to Chance and Counters to play a few board games and that's always a fun time. I think I'm a little worn out now after such a busy 'out and about' period, I'm looking forward to tomorrow when I can focus on editing up my next video and eat some of Rebecca's Birthday cake.

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