Wednesday 28 September 2011


Sorry, I got our Twitter account wrong in the post I made a few days ago, we now have a feed going so you don't have to hunt it down! Speaking of which, you may have already read that Daniel has been a subject of our own torture device but not intentionally so. We have all been wanting to do a Bisto advert for sometime now and we had a odd concept that basically meant that we would sit Dan in a bath of gravy. First off all the  granules didn't dissolve as planned to we had to boil some separately then pour it in. Dan initially complained about it being a little too hot in the tub but I told him 'Imagine you are a big ice cube that will cool down the water' to help his mentality, it later turned out that gravy retains it's heat very well indeed! Although Dan's hair never touched the water it was soaked with the amount of sweating he was doing, I had the task of fanning him in between takes with the clapper board and feeding him ice cold water. I probably didn't help that we bought some very cheap gravy that was full of fat, 99% of which had risen to the surface and clung to Dan's skin like a mollusk on a bit of driftwood. We got him showered down promptly and gave him a lolly, we even think we cured his cold! Result.

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