Wednesday 15 June 2011

End of my study leave

Well this is it folks, the end of my one week with no school pressures whatsoever since last September, I spent most of it just sitting around waiting for it to be over sadly as now I kinda want that time back; although I'm sure all I would do again is just mope around the house. We did have a very unsuccessful trip to fabric land today as we were in the market for a large, perfect white sheet to be used as a backdrop but they were all the wrong size and far too expensive, also I forgot my PIN number so my debit card was eaten by the machine, FML.

I wanted to watch a Mel Brooks film that Mum suggested today: The Producers which I thought was a lot weaker than his other comedies as it was very clearly more 'of it's time' but I'm cool with that in this case, as it was still amusing in places, but not laugh out loud hilarious as according to the AFI who listed it as the 11th funniest film of the 20th century.

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